Adams Shade & Screen Company
A Proud Family Business Since 1944
In 1944 Dan Gentile, Sr. founded Adams Shade and Screen Company and it grew into a proud family business, run buy son Dan, Jr. since 1982. His mother Adeline, his wife Lina, his sister Nancy and sons Chris and David all work full or part-time in the company. This family attributes the longevity of their company to their focus on outstanding customer service. The Gentiles continue their father's tradition of insuring that each customer receives personalized attention, and the company's repeat business is evidence of the success of this policy.
Adams Shade and Screen Company primarily serves large clients, including real estate owners and developers installing their window treatment products in apartment complexes as large as 600 to 700 units. Individual residential customers receive 100% focus on their window treatment needs! The company sells major brands of shades, screens, and other window and door products. Adams gives fine year warranties on all services and some products carry a lifetime warranty.
Use only quality window and door products from Adams Shade & Screen Company.